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SEE countries are being advised that to remain competitive,

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Codification of Knowledgeusing information and communication technology (ICT) have made it easier to acquire, store, or disseminate knowledge than ever before, many organizations are employing IT to facilitate sharing and integration of knowledge. This paper aims to research the state of harmonized codification using the Information and Communication Technologies in SEE countries by investigating the role of ICT in creation of the successful Environment for Knowledge Management.

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This event attracted 8,000 to 10,000 unique avatars and raised 870,000 Linden dollars from approximately 3,000 individuals from across the globe, which were then donated to 10 real world charitable organizations.Ĭonsidering the importance of creation of Knowledge Management Environment in SEE countries, comparable with the EU Environment, trends and situation in EU countries,and the variety of available Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Solutions on the market, it is a difficult and challenging task of deciding what type of ICT solutions to use in support of creation of Knowledge Management Environmentin SEE. Peace Train was founded by three social avapreneurs interested in promoting peace in the world, and together with more than 100 volunteers, Peace Train organized during the course of eleven months PeaceFest 08, one of the largest fund-raising events to date in virtual worlds. Research questions: RQ1) What are the challenges for avapreneurs to achieving successful organizational outcomes in Born Virtuals? and RQ2) How can collective competence be developed such that these challenges can be overcome? To answer these questions, this paper presents a study of Peace Train, one Born Virtual As such, this paper’s intent is to investigate two Borrowing from the international entrepreneurship business literature that uses the term “Born Globals,” I label organizations that have been created to discover and exploit opportunities primarily within virtual worlds as “Born Virtuals.” While relatively easy to establish, the challenge for Born Virtuals and avapreneurs, orĮntrepreneurial avatars, is to accomplish the critical task of coordinating the actions of multiple actors to achieve important outcomes – a challenge that has been repeatedly documented in research on virtual teams and organizations with geographically dispersed members.

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